3. Design

This part of the documentation presents general architecture, design and implementation guidelines.

3.1. Architecture

ClaimStore is an independent mini-application built upon our usual Flask ecosystem:

3.2. Database

The information about network of services, data objects and persistent identifier types, and claims about them is described via JSON snippets.

The JSON data is stored in several tables for claimants, object_types etc. The individual claims are stored in a claims table that uses both regular RDBMS and JSONB columns, permitting some fast inter-table JOINs as well as free-format additional claim parameters, for example:

uuid            integer
created         date
claimant        ref ->
subject_type    ref ->
subject_value   text
claim           ref ->
certainty       number
claim_details   jsonb
status          ref ->  e.g. to mark revoked claims
object_type     ref ->
object_value    text

The JSON format of claims is also checked against a formal JSON schema to verify its validity upon claim submission. There are several JSON Schemata describing the system: one JSON schema describes a service, another JSON schema describes a persistent ID type, another JSON schema describes a claim, etc.

For searching the claim database, PostgreSQL/JSONB column type can be used which offers efficient querying out of the box. In case of extended usage needs, JSON claims can be propagated to an Elasticsearch cluster. that can increase query speed and query language further.

3.3. Claim types

The primary motivation behind ClaimStore was the exchange of information about persistent identifiers, hence the typical claim types are:

  • is_same_as: used when there is a 100% equivalence, e.g. a local copy of an arXiv record, with either the same or enriched metadata, e.g. ORCID corresponds to this INSPIRE ID
  • is_variant_of: lesser claim, e.g. arXiv preprint and DOI of a published paper, e.g. when INSPIRE merges two sources into one

However, the system is generic enough to accept any kind of claims, so the ClaimStore can also be used to store information about other types of relations, such as:

  • is_author_of: this person is the author of this document
  • is_contributor_to: this person is supervisor/translator/spokesperson of this document
  • is_erratum_of: e.g. if INSPIRE record R1 is variant of DOI1, and DOI2 is erratum of DOI1, but INSPIRE merges all these in the same record, then there would be three claims: R1 is variant of DOI1, DOI2 is erratum of DOI1, R1 is variant of DOI2

Examples of other possible relations that could be included in the future are:

  • is_cited_by
  • is_superseded_by
  • is_software_for_paper
  • is_dataset_for_paper
  • is_dataset_for_software

For example, imagine the following table of claims:

subject               predicate      object
--------------------  -----------    -------------------
arXiv:hep-th/0101001  is_variant_of  DOI:10.1234/foo.bar
arXiv:hep-th/0101001  is_same_as     arXiv:1506.07188

One could then ask queries like who does know about DOI 10.1234/foo.bar? and the system could return only direct claims:

GET /claims/?type=DOI&value=10.1234/foo.bar

listing only the first relation, or else we could also ask to include all indirect claims:

GET /claims/?type=DOI&value=10.1234/foo.bar&include=indirect&certainty=0.5+

which would return both relations.